Cornerstone VNA Welcomes Three New Board Members   

Cornerstone VNA Welcomes Three New Board Members  

We are pleased to welcome and introduce the newest members of our Board of Directors, Marilyn Staff, RN, David Richard, and Laura Davie. A graduate of Boston College, Marilyn Staff, BSN, RN, CCM has been an RN for over 35 years and is currently the Director of Care...
Celebrating 110 Years

Celebrating 110 Years

Cornerstone VNA is excited to celebrate its 110th year and we are proud to look back on our impressive history of providing care at home.  In 1913, the Rochester Women’s Club, led by president and philanthropist, Norma Snow, and the Ladies Aide of the First Church...
A Fabulous Donation From The Fabulous Find

A Fabulous Donation From The Fabulous Find

We recently received a generous donation of over $8,500 from The Fabulous Find, a boutique style resale shop at 139 State Rd (Route One) in Kittery, ME.  This unique resale boutique partners with different worthy, local nonprofit organizations each month, as...
Nursing Remains a Highly Rewarding Career

Nursing Remains a Highly Rewarding Career

A guest blog by Marilyn Staff, RN, Director of Care Coordination, FedPoint Having spent three-plus decades as a registered nurse (RN) working in acute care, home care, and long-term care environments, I like to say—and I think I’ve earned the right—nurses are the...